Conteúdos de referência


Não há impacto social sem equidade racial

Não há impacto social sem equidade racial

por Aupa em 13/05/2021

No dia 20 de abril, a Revista Brasileira de Avaliação (RBAVAL) realizou um painel de lançamento de sua 10ª edição, marcando o retorno da publicação após cinco anos sem novas edições – a última foi em 2015.

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Equity?

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Equity?

POR CEP EM 31/12/2020

The disproportionate public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on certain communities, along with nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice, have intensified the calls for foundations to focus on equity and reckon with anti-Black racism in a deeper way than they had before.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Tools and Resources for Grantmakers

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Tools and Resources for Grantmakers

por Ford Foundation em 31/12/2020

At the Ford Foundation, we believe a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is critical to the success of any social justice organization. We have created a toolkit to help funders, organizations and the philanthropic community at large identify and instill best practices for DEI-related issues.