Conteúdos de referência


Timeline of Philanthropic Support for Black Men and Boys

Timeline of Philanthropic Support for Black Men and Boys

POR Candid EM 01/12/2020

Current philanthropic efforts to support Black male achievement follows the foundational work of past initiatives and tireless champions. This timeline highlights influential activities, publications, and initiatives focused on improving life outcomes for Black men and boys, from 1992 to 2020.

Avaliação e Equidade

Avaliação e Equidade

POR GIFE EM 26/11/2020

Com o título “Avaliação e equidade”, este terceiro número da série Notas Técnicas reflete sobre as possibilidades e oportunidades para as organizações do campo da filantropia e do investimento social de trabalhar “com” e “para” a equidade e como a avaliação pode contribuir para a promoção de sociedades mais equitativas.

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Black Communities

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Black Communities

POR Funders for LGBTQ Issues/ ABFE EM 21/10/2020

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Black Communities, produced in partnership with ABFE, offers an overview of the unique needs of LGBTQ Black communities, shares a snapshot of current philanthropic support, and offers key recommendations for funders looking to better support LGBTQ Black communities and Black-led organizations.

Toward a Philanthropic Racial Equity Movement

Toward a Philanthropic Racial Equity Movement

POR GrantCraft EM 05/08/2020

This period of racial justice activism in our nation’s history has been building for many years. Perceptions of confederate flags and statues, the renaming of buildings, numerous statements from businesses of all types,