Conteúdos de referência


Equidade racial: desafios no Brasil contemporâneo

Equidade racial: desafios no Brasil contemporâneo

POR Instituto Ibirapitanga EM 05/06/2018

O ano de 2018 marca o aniversário de 30 anos da Constituição Federal do Brasil. Marco na redefinição jurídica do Estado brasileiro, representa a fronteira que separa os 21 anos de ditadura civil-militar

From Words to Action – A Practical Philanthropic Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

From Words to Action – A Practical Philanthropic Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

por GrantCraft em 16/04/2018

As communities worldwide are becoming more diverse, they are increasingly tackling the realities of systemic inequity. Philanthropy too must acknowledge its place in the context of transformative demographic changes. Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has been an ongoing challenge within philanthropy, and while there has been progress, it requires continual work.

Building a Race Equity Culture in the Social Sector

Building a Race Equity Culture in the Social Sector

POR Equity in the Center/ ProInspire EM 31/03/2018

Across the social sector, a fundamental element of social impact remains missing: race equity. Race equity, the condition where one’s racial identity has no influence on how one fares in society, is essential to social change. However, it is impossible until we address the structural racism that is entrenched, not only in our nation’s history and culture, but in the mindsets, policies, and practices of nonprofit and philanthropic management. This requires transformative change to these organizations, and to the sector overall.

The Competitive Advantage of Racial Equity

The Competitive Advantage of Racial Equity

POR FSG/ PolicyLink EM 31/10/2017

Corporate America is missing out on one of the biggest opportunities of our time for driving innovation and growth: creating business value by advancing racial equity.

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