Conteúdos de referência
Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide
POR Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity EM 31/12/2019
The new Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide, written by PRE Senior Fellow Rinku Sen and Executive Director Lori Villarosa with contributions from Maggie Potapchuk, Lisa McGill, and Makani Themba, provides grantmakers with reflections, frameworks and tools built from the direct experience of activists and funders for advancing racial justice in any philanthropic setting.
Guia de boas práticas em diversidade na ciência
POR Instituto Serrapilheira EM 31/12/2019
Conhecer a equipe é o primeiro passo. Para isso, indicamos: I. Mapear o grupo por gênero, origem étnicoracial, condição socioeconômica, pessoas com deficiência e regionalidade;
O que o investimento social privado pode fazer por… equidade racial?
Por GIFE EM 31/12/2019
O projeto O que o Investimento Social Privado pode fazer por…? é uma iniciativa do GIFE que tem como intenção ampliar a atuação do Investimento Social Privado (ISP) brasileiro de modo a diversificar e expandir seu trabalho para outras temáticas relevantes da agenda pública e contemporânea.
Building Narrative Power for Racial Justice and Health Equity
POR Open Society Foundations EM 31/07/2019
To improve the health and well-being of communities oppressed by racism and white supremacy, advocates for justice need to challenge some deeply held cultural assumptions, values, and practices.
The racial wealth gap: A stark reflection of structural inequality: Lessons learned from two decades of work
POR Ford Foundation EM 30/04/2019
early a generation ago, the Ford Foundation pivoted to focus much of its economic programming on expanding opportunities to build wealth, through promising but largely untested approaches to “asset building.” Rigorous scholarly research, such as Michael Sherraden’s Assets and the Poor (1991) and Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro’s Black Wealth/White Wealt
Race to Lead: Women of Color in the Nonprofit Sector
POR Building Movement Project EM 28/02/2019
This report reveals that women of color encounter systemic obstacles to their advancement over and above the barriers faced by white women and men of color. Education and training are not the solution—women of color with high levels of education are more likely to be in administrative roles and are more likely to report frustrations about inadequate and inequitable salaries.
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